2017 Second Place Winner “Island of Mist and Fog” at Busse Woods by Michelle Puszka

Conservation Corps

2019 Runner up – “Row, row, row your boat” at Busse Woods in Elk Grove Village by Julio Guerrero

Working With Us

As a Conservation or Engagement Corps member, you’ll roll up your sleeves, get outside, and make lasting change for your community. You’ll not only learn about ecological restoration, you’ll also gain leadership and teamwork skills that will no doubt lead to more amazing opportunities. Our Corps programs are an incredible experience for teenagers and adults alike. We are fostering the next generation of stewards for our forest preserves in Cook County. We hire on a rolling basis throughout the year for our adult programs and open application early each year for our summer programs. Watch the jobs page for more information.

Adult Conservation Corps

Individuals ready to explore a professional career in restoration can apply to our Barrington Greenway Initiative, Calumet, North Branch, or Palos Crew. As a Conservation Corps crew member, you will work year-round to remove invasive species and restore native plants throughout the forest preserves in Cook County. There is also a focus on professional development and crew members are encouraged to pursue careers and education in conservation.

Volunteers posing with a snowman photograph

High School Conservation Corps Programs

The Forest Preserve Experience is a five-week summer employment and educational opportunity for high school students.  The FPE program provides a way to help your community’s environment through invasive plant removal, litter pick-up, and river and lake clean-up activities in your local forest preserves. You will learn about nature in the Chicago region and explore green jobs and career opportunities while having fun and earning money.

The Forest Preserve Experience is a partnership program coordinated by Friends of the Forest Preserves and the Forest Preserves of Cook County, with generous support from the Housing Authority of Cook CountyForest Preserve Foundation, and Cook County Bureau of Economic Development.

Engagement Corps

Individuals ready to explore a professional career in restoration can apply to our Barrington Greenway Initiative, Calumet, North Branch, or Palos Crew. As a Conservation Corps crew member, you will work year-round to remove invasive species and restore native plants throughout the forest preserves in Cook County. There is also a focus on professional development and crew members are encouraged to pursue careers and education in conservation.