Contact Us
Friends of the Forest Preserves
411 S. Wells St., Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60607
(312) 356-9990
[email protected]

Share Your Experience
Friends members, volunteers, and supporters are the eyes and ears of the organization. Help advocate and promote the preserves by sharing your experience. Tell us what you find and see out there – both good and bad. Share your photos or even better, enter them in our photo contest. Connect with us over social media. The best stuff might even make it into our newsletter or on our website or other social media.
Show Us
Send in your photos when you’re out in the woods. Photos of fauna (furry, slimy, buzzy critters) and recreation are especially great. It’s not that shots of landscapes and plants aren’t cool too – but we’re often short on critters and recreation. Don’t forget to tell us where and when you took the shot. We just might share it on social media!
Tell Us
Tell us about what’s happening in your forest preserve – good, bad, or ugly. We’ll be happy to share with all of the Friends members, bring them to the Forest Preserve District’s attention, or take other steps to help you help the preserves.
For questions regarding membership or to be removed from our mailing list, please email, call, or text:
Alex Bravo, Development Operations Manager | (312) 373-0208 | [email protected]