Colorfull tree photo


close up of pink flower photo

Donations support vital advocacy and conservation work, which is essential to ensuring the forest preserves in Cook County are healthy and welcoming for all. Please note that donations are not eligible for member gifts.

smiling volunteers working on digging project
workers in a misty field at sunrise

Join our monthly giving program and become our Best Friend! It’s the most convenient and impactful way to safeguard the forest preserves year round. Enjoy year-end membership gifts and benefits.

close up of an exotic flower with worker in the background

Membership Levels

All members receive our newsletters, action alerts, and invitations to group tours and events.
Consider a donation of $250 or more in honor of our 25th Anniversary! When you donate $250 or more, you’ll be invited on a semi-private forest preserve tour with Friends’ Executive Director, Benjamin Cox. When you donate $1,000 or more, you’ll get your very own private tour! Known for his passion, humor, and storytelling, Benjamin will inspire and delight.
Champion tree photo

$1,000 – Champion Tree *

Receive Sapling level gifts plus a private forest preserve tour led by Benjamin Cox.

Council tree photo

$500 – Council Tree *

Receive Sapling level gifts plus a semi-private tour led by Benjamin Cox.

Giving tree photo

$250 – Giving Tree *

Receive Sapling level gifts plus a semi-private tour led by Benjamin Cox.

Sapling photo

$100 – Sapling

Receive a nature guide and your choice of a logo tote or logo baseball hat.

Seedling photo

$50 – Seedling

Receive a pocket nature guide.

Acorn photo

$30 – Acorn

Lake with leaf reflection and ducks

Make a $50 donation and receive our pocket nature guide. For $100 you’ll also receive a Friends of the Forest Preserves branded tote bag or hat. Donations at $250 or above also receive an invitation to a semi-private or private forest preserve tour led by Executive Director Benjamin Cox.

Pocket nature guide - Common Species In the Forest Preserves of Cook County
Friends of the Forest Preserves hat
Friends of the Forest Preserves tote bag

You can also send a check and make it payable to:

Friends of the Forest Preserves
411 S. Wells Street, Suite 800
Chicago, IL 60607

All donations are greatly appreciated, tax deductible, and will be put to good use.