The Power of Membership:
Protecting the forest preserves in Cook County
In recent years, individual contributions — including memberships — have accounted for about 10% of Friends of the Forest Preserves total annual revenue. Ten. Percent. That represents a significant portion of funding the organization depends on to administer preservation programs and critical advocacy efforts.
See How Your Membership Makes a Difference
Join Our Mailing List
Learn more about Friends and volunteering opportunities.
We keep emails to a minimum and never share your email address.

How Membership Funding Helps the Preserves
- Prevents development of natural areas in Cook County
- Protects scarce habitat for wildlife
- Helps restore, maintain, and improve the preserves
- Prevents the spread of invasive plants
- Fosters beneficial land management practices

How Membership Funding Helps People
- Helps make experiences with the preserves accessible to all
- Provides valuable job skills that can be leveraged in a conservation career or other vocation
- Helps fund hourly wages (not stipends) for Conservation Corps work
- Protects our environment

Beyond Funding: The Power of People
“Dan Ryan Woods is especially precious… because a walk through here can almost make you forget you’re in a city. Good for the soul. Thank you for your outstanding work in preserving it for future generations.”
Friends of the Forest Preserves is more than 2,500 members strong. Our members are among our most dedicated advocates, helping to get the word out about the transcendent spaces that the forest preserves in Cook County provide, as well as the challenges they face. We are united in this mission and inspired by our members’ passion for preserving nature for all.

Membership Levels
All members receive our newsletters, action alerts, and invitations to group tours and events.
When you donate $250 or more, you’ll be invited on a semi-private forest preserve tour with Friends’ Executive Director, Benjamin Cox. When you donate $1,000 or more, you’ll get your very own private tour with Benjamin! Known for his passion, humor, and storytelling, Benjamin will inspire and engage.

$1,000 – Champion Tree *
Receive Sapling level gifts plus a private forest preserve tour led by Benjamin Cox.

$500 – Council Tree *
Receive Sapling level gifts plus a semi-private tour led by Benjamin Cox.

$250 – Giving Tree *
Receive Sapling level gifts plus a semi-private tour led by Benjamin Cox.

$100 – Sapling
Receive a nature guide and your choice of a Friends of the Forest branded tote bag or hat.

$50 – Seedling
Receive a pocket nature guide.

$30 – Acorn
All donations are greatly appreciated, tax deductible, and will be put to good use.