Chicago Conservation Leadership Corps interns at Whistler Woods.

Chicago Conservation Leadership Corps Crew Member Spotlight- Kyana Harrod – Friends of the Forest Preserves

Posted: July 18th, 2014

Chicago Conservation Leadership Corps Whistler Woods Crew Member Kyana Harrod

Name: Kyana Harrod
Crew: Whistler Woods

I’ve had the pleasure of bouncing around in many Friends of the Forest Preserves internships and meeting a wonderful assortment of people. I’m especially happy to be a part of the Chicago Conservation Leadership Corps because I get to help guide a diverse group of individuals in the direction of an environmental field. One of the amazing students that I had the pleasure of meeting is Kyana Harrod. I interviewed Kyana “Key” and this is her take on her experience so far with the CCLC.

1. What brought you to this program? I’ve always had an interest in the environment because my family has their own garden. And this is a way to get off the couch and get out into nature this summer.

2. What is your impression of CCLC compared to before you started working and now? When I first started working it was a challenge because of the insects. But as the days went on it became easier to cope with because I have adjusted to being outdoors. Now I see them as my ugly new friends.

3. How can you incorporate everything you’ve learned so far with program into your daily life? One thing that I’ve learned is responsibility. Timeliness has also been a big improvement on my part. Another thing would be, I learned how to operate efficiently on a small crew, I’m proud to say I know the true definition of hard work!

Chicago Conservation Leadership Corps Whistler Woods Apprentice Crew Leader Dyrell Williams

By: Dyrell Williams, Apprentice Crew Leader for the Whistler Woods Crew, Chicago Conservation Leadership Corps

Dyrell has been an active force in conservation for more than four years. He started his conservation career in a high school program with the Student Conservation Association. He has volunteered at over 30 different forest preserve sites in Cook County. His favorite place to be is under an oak tree and he loves using his chainsaw. He plans to continue his service to nature whether it is through his career or hobby, and he will be attending college in the fall.

Not only is Dyrell a leader in Friends’ CCLC, he’s also a crew member of our Forest Preserve Leadership Corps.