Protect. Improve. Include.

Bee landing on flower photograph

What We Do

Friends of the Forest Preserves unites people to protect, promote, and care for the forest preserves in Cook County, Illinois.

2019 Runner up -“Young photographer with rare cardinal flowers” at McCormick Woods in North Riverside. Photo by Patrick Callaghan

Why We Do It

To ensure land, water, and life thrive in the forest preserves for plants, animals, and people.

Photograph of blackburnian warbler bird on a branch
Canada Geese and Fall Collors by Tim Minnick
Colors of the Nature by Monika Boek Lupa
Coyote by Tim Minnick
Enjoying a Fall Bath by Carlos Molano
Fire after Sundown by Matthew Zuro
First Light by William Santus
Fishing in Busse Woods by Maria Sacha
Hepatica cluster by Michael Kobe
Hitching a Ride by Roberta Appleby
Landing on Milweed by Maria Sacha
Lost in a Whimsical Land by Jordan Kreiner
Lunch time by William Santus
Mushroom from the Hollow by Elm Stoelinga
Planting Team on a Foggy Fall Morning by Gary Aleksiak
Sunset after a Storm by Monika Benitez
Tuberous Grasspink by Simon Tolzmann
When Owl wants to give you a hug by Monika Bobek Lupa
Photo of picnic bench in a grassy clearing
Photograph of wildflowers in a field
Wetlands photograph
Friends of the Forest Preserve members working on a trail
Wild grasses photograph
Friends of the Forest members portrait