Miami Woods and Prairie Volunteer Workday

The Miami Woods Forest Preserve covers 112 acres stretching along the west side of the North Branch of the Chicago River from Oakton Street northward to Dempster Street.  It is […]

St. Paul Woods Volunteer Workday

St. Paul Woods is an inviting oak-hickory woodland situated east of the North Branch of the Chicago River. Like many of our native woodlands, it needs management to clear invasive brush […]

Bunker Hill North Flatwoods Volunteer Workdays

Join the North Branch Restoration Project to restore this oak woodland to its former beauty! This 76-acre site depends on a community of volunteers to remove invasive species, spread native […]

Dan Ryan Volunteer Workday

You're invited to join the Friends of Dan Ryan Woods for their monthly volunteer day, the second Saturday of each month. They're out from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. cutting […]

Trailblazers: Des Plaines River Relics Walk

The final three miles of the Des Plaines River Trail have more lost, abandoned, and mysterious artifacts than any other stretch of the trail; we’ll discuss what these are and […]

Hidden Pond Woods Volunteer Workdays

Hidden Pond Woods offers a variety of delights, all within a short walk of the parking lot. The southern portion is oak woodland with small wetlands. The northern half is […]

Homeschool Hangout

Join us for a fun and educational day out in nature starting at 10:00 AM. This event is a great opportunity for homeschoolers to socialize, learn, and explore the beautiful […]

North Branch Xylem Seed Garden Workdays

North Branch Xylem Seed Garden 6633 W Harts Road, Niles, IL, United States

Seeds are the lifeblood of healthy woodlands and prairies. By growing successive generations of species, they help ensure resilient, self-renewing natural areas for years to come. Restoration volunteers hand collect […]

Oxbow Prairie Volunteer Workday

Formed by an old loop in the river’s course, lies the Oxbow Prairie. This old oxbow in the Chicago River’s North Branch is a combination of low, wet prairie soils […]

Black Partridge Woods Volunteer Workdays

Black Partridge Woods is one of the first dedicated nature preserves in Illinois. The 80 acre site features river bluffs, ravine forests, and spring-fed streams, and boasts one of the […]

Sound Walk at Eggers Grove

Listen to the relaxing sounds of Eggers while moving through it! Join us as we explore the sounds of nature, led by Norman W Long. Norman is an artist, designer, […]