Stop and Smell the Milkweed
You've probably heard the saying "stop and smell the roses," but what about the milkweed? Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) begins blooming in June and hits its peak in July. Their […]
You've probably heard the saying "stop and smell the roses," but what about the milkweed? Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) begins blooming in June and hits its peak in July. Their […]
*This walk was originally scheduled for June 20, but was postponed to June 27 due to excessive heat.* This guided hike will explore how both working and retired adults can […]
The Skokie River and Middle Fork of the Chicago River come together to give Watersmeet Woods its name. But Watersmeet is also a wet place with numerous special types of […]
Please join us on a guided fitness hike! We'll explore activities in the forest preserves that help us get exercise and fresh air. And we'll learn about nature through various […]
Let's explore the healing of nature at Linne Woods. This hike will focus on: Woodland Immersion for those seeking calm, peace, and focus. We will use a combination of nature […]
The Yellow Trail - the trail we will be primarily walking - was rated the best trail in Illinois by Backpacker Magazine. The trails are in great shape and currently […]
Enjoy an early morning hike on the Yellow Trail to Horse Collar Slough in Willow Springs. Come see the biodiversity created by the kettles and moraines, unique features of this […]
Please join us as we explore the ecology of the Cranberry Slough Nature Preserve. We will discuss ecological restoration and how it has positively impacted this beautiful site! The majority […]
** FAVOR DE REGISTRARSE PARA ASEGURAR SU TAMALITO Y CHAMPURRADO ** Para celebrar la Semana de Conservación Latina, vamos a encontrarnos a las 8 de la mañana en Eggers Grove […]
Please join us as we explore the flora and fauna of LaBagh Woods this summer. We will look for birds as well as odonates, dragonflies, and damselflies. Let’s see how […]
This site protects a large area of one of the rarest plant communities in Illinois, known as a Northern Flatwoods. Flatwoods are found where a dense layer of clay lies […]
Escape the stresses of urban and suburban life for a couple of hours on the Linne Woods trails. Experience the beauty and peace of nature with all your senses in […]