2014 Photo Contest Runner Up- Duck in snow on pond, Trailside Museum, near River Forest, Fidencio Marbella

Expanding the Salt Creek Trail

The Salt Creek Trail Expansion and Student Safety Project will improve student safety, encourage healthy living, and provide transportation choice by extending the Salt Creek Trail between North Riverside and Riverside-Brookfield High School (RBHS). It will close a large gap in the existing Salt Creek Trail between North Riverside and Lyons.

Under the leadership of Forest Preserve and Cook County Commissioner Jeff Tobolski, the villages of North Riverside, Riverside, and Brookfield along with Riverside-Brookfield Township School District 208, the Forest Preserve District, Brookfield Zoo and Friends of the Forest Preserves have all agreed upon a trail alignment, segment prioritization as funding becomes available, and a rough design with cost estimates.

IDOT is currently building a student safety enhancement project at the intersection of 1st Ave. and Ridgewood Road/Forest Ave.; in front of the high school. It includes a vehicular turn lane, pedestrian safety islands for people crossing 1st Ave. and about 400 feet of trail going north of the intersection.

Explore the Google map to learn more about the Salt Creek Expansion project.

Phase I of this project is complete as of June 2015: It continues the 1st Ave.  trail segment north from the High School to the intersection of 31st St. and 1st Ave. The villages of North Riverside and Riverside, District 208, and Forest Preserve District of Cook County contributed the necessary funds.

Phase II of this project is underway: From the intersection of 1st Ave. and Golf View Road south to Golf View Road and 31st. St. then east to the endpoint of Phase I at the SW corner of 31st St. and 1st Ave.

Estimated cost: $700,000.

Phase III: Along the south side of 31st St. between Golf View Road and Prairie Ave.

Estimated cost: $1.25 million.


  1. Immediately improve safety by providing an off-street route for students from North Riverside to reach their high school.

  2. Reduce school related traffic congestion as students will have a direct safe option to walk or bike instead of being driven.

  3. Provide regional connectivity by closing a large gap in the current Salt Creek Trail.

  4. Provide residents of Brookfield direct access to the Salt Creek Trail. Currently they have to drive to safely reach the trailhead north of 31st St.

  5. Improved access for Brookfield Zoo visitors and employees.

Funding for Phase III is not secured. A combination of grants, local and state funding is being sought.


Best flora: White trillium, Thatcher Woods near River Forest, Donna Villa
2012 Photo Contest Winner Best flora: White trillium, Thatcher Woods near River Forest, Donna Villa